Reading and studying God's Word is the ony way to understand the Christian faith and it's source - the love of God the Creator of all. For the preacher or Bible Study leader, it's important to examine different viewpoints on stories or doctrines, in order that we don't become narrow minded in our interpretation of Scripture.The Following are all excellent links to a tremendous range of material for ministry or personal bible study use.
Small Group Bible Studies - impressive site and easy to use I am a great fan of William Barclay's commentaries on the New Testament - he throws more insights out than I can catch in one reading - and here's his commentary on Luke's Gospel Bible Survey of both the Old and New Tastaments If one of Christ's Apostles showed up at YOUR church services, would he approve of your practices and beliefs? Are you sure? Does the average Christian church follow and practice the same teachings as the New Testament church set up by Jesus himself? Part I of this two-part series of booklets described the massive apostasy that took place within Christianity during the first three centuries. Part II looks at the forces that made the remnant of the true Church an unpopular and increasingly persecuted group of believers Join IVP for a powerful and personal exploration of the book of their Quiet Time Bible Study From ' A Guide to Christian
Literature on the Internet' - where you'll find masses of freely available
material, come the following headings and excellent resources. The Journal of John Wesley - A fascinating record of an amazing man. Get the atmosphere of those early days from his own diary. REVIVAL!: Read the fascinating accounts of those who were alive in the great Welsh and UK revivals of the past Free online bible study lessons - by email if you wish.These free online Bible study lessons focus entirely on the teachings of Christ The online
Study Library has
bible answers and studies on lots of subjects
Bible softwareThe CrossWire Bible Society is an organization that sponsors OpenSource efforts focused on developing free Bible software and tools The Celtic World History, Christianity and Literature. Medieval Spirituality a guide to historical material on the web
10,000 illustrations for sermons - This is awesome, a tremendous resource! A Rough Guidebook
to the Bible The Pursuit of God by A W Tozer. A great book by a great
man! Is there an "inspired" order for the books of the Bible? Who preserved the writings we call the Old Testament? HOW did they insure accurate copies of the Scriptures would be made? Did Jesus have anything to say about the validity of the Old Testament? Bible Maps What are the major cities of historic Israel? What territory did God give each of the children of Israel as an inheritance after they left Egypt under Moses? How can I study the Psalms? A new understanding of the Psalms can be experienced, when the reader places himself in the place of the psalmist. Worried about the chronology of the Bible? This series of nine short, easy to read lessons approaches the problem from a different perspective. It is based on the concept that it may well be more helpful, in understanding the story flow of the Bible, to focus on the relative order of people and events than on committing to memory isolated dates Into history? Then you must visit Bible History It
is awesome! Their mission statement is "The Bible was
written in an envoirnment that is now unfamiliar to most of its
readers. The individual realization of the modern world with
its new facilities, products, and problems is quite different
from the social and economic conditions described in the Bible.
Some of its language is puzzling, and can easily be miscronstrued
if one does not have some explanation of the ancient background." Articles on Mature Bible Teachings including - Is the Bible
the infallible Word of Almighty God? and Is the New Testament
historically accurate? mostly in .pdf format Angels - The Magnificent Servants of God Everything you wanted to know about them, but were afraid to ask, from those good folk at Catholic online!
The seafaring Saints - "You have
made us for yourself, O Lord ...and our hearts are restless until
they rest in Thee!" - Saint Augustine In the
early centuries of Celtic Christianity, three deep-seated stirrings
of the human heart met in the seafaring saints and holy people
of Ireland, Scotland and Wales . Religion in Victorian Britain- Some fascinating insights into a remarkable age, including the link between Jane Eyre, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Bible Excellent resources for ministry at the Methodist Publishing House Experiencing Worship, one of the newest members
of the Gospelcom alliance, The Meaning
of Evangelism
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